Consultant Wisdom

The process of creating freedom is helping someone visualize their future.
What's the difference between leadership and management?
When we look to truly renew an organization, we must look to divorce the history of the set patterns and look to what is needed (usually as dictated by the customer) to redefine success.
Trust is much more attainable when an organization’s sense of purpose is understood and shared.
Tips for building respect, trust, and loyalty with those who work with you.
Integrity as an engineering terms is defined as structural soundness. Structural soundness means the systems are well in touch and sensitive to one another, making the sum of the structure stronger than any individual part.
If organizations truly play a role in shaping individuals’ behaviors, then the environment we set as senior executives has a dramatic and powerful impact on the daily behaviors of each individual within the system.
As you identify your priorities and set goals to establish a roadmap, your high or low standards will measure your commitment and determine how successful you will be in reaching your goals.
Are you selective with what you commit to, so that your satisfaction will not necessarily come from results, but from what is important to you and your company?
How many of us have turned our positive leadership characteristics into fools’ gold?
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