The outcomes of professional development are not unrelated to how we choose to recharge and recover the body and mind and these choices influence our experiences at work, home, and play. The Elevating Capacity workshop focuses on enhancing cognitive health through elite recovery and understanding how to harness your energy to produce optimal performance and results.

The criticality of attending to and elevating personal capacity to achieve peak leadership performance is a deeply researched and proven concept. Conscious leaders focus on achieving competency in key elements of leadership including motivation, communication, and change management. And as competencies are integrated with personal capacity, whole leaders who harness personal potential to achieve peak performance are created.

This workshop leverages behavioral science models to explore the emotional and unconscious inhibitors that prevent leaders from practicing optimal recovery. These models illuminate the personal motivations and behaviors that create resistance to choosing self-care over other-care. By identifying, understanding, and removing these barriers, conscious leaders are liberated to achieve their purpose-filled greatness. When leaders choose to be well, they are better equipped to lead well.

Choose to be well to lead well.


“I put considerable thought and energy into preparing for work. Getting a lot of sleep, working out, and eating as healthy as possible given my schedule. It makes a huge difference, and my team can testify, I am a much better leader when I take care of myself.”


Personal energy is renewable, and the quality of this renewable energy is determined by how we choose to recover. Achieving a flow state for leaders in high-level executive positions relies upon the energy and capacity within the individual, and importantly, the basis for maintaining this flow state must be elite recovery.

There is strong evidence to show that healthy habits in three important categories may play a role in reducing cognitive decline and, as habitual behaviors are interlinked with the stress response, this association affects cognitive ability and leadership performance.

During the Elevating Capacity workshop, you will engage in strategies for creating keystone habits, which contribute to elevated capacity.

The vital lifestyle choices of focus are:

  • Movement
  • Nutrition
  • Sleep
  • Element X

These modifiable behaviors promote good brain health and we need to practice good habits to form better default behaviors. Through better diet, habits, exercise, and sleep, executives can elevate themselves as whole humans, capable of elite performance through consistent elite recovery.


  1. Highly interactive, in-person workshop with valuable insights for cognitive health and peak performance
  2. Tools and resources for building and sustaining keystone habits, which align to your identified purpose and priorities
  3. Building a network of like-minded leaders who are committed to transforming their perspective, behaviors, and, ultimately, their company culture.

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