Creating a culture of dispersed power
It’s time for a fresh approach to leadership, one that shares power and strengthens the voice of every member of the team. This powerful program is designed for leaders who aspire to create a people-centered culture, building up an organization through its values and its people.
About Your Workshop
The Motivating Transformational Leaders Program pivots leaders from a top-down business model toward a values-based, human-centric organization, making the betterment of individuals and society their mission. This exclusive, one-of-a-kind program is designed for successful executive leaders who want or need an innovative approach. in a stunning setting where you’ll make life-long connections with other influential leaders from a wide spectrum of industries.
- Program Length: 9 months with pre-work, 3 virtual sessions (2/20, 3/11, & 3/25), a 3.5-day live workshop (04/08/24 – 04/11/22), and 2 follow-up cohort sessions
- Additional Commitments: pre-work and post-collaboration
- Program Cost: $12,598
Breakfasts, lunches, snacks, beverages, and three dinners are provided. You’ll receive a comprehensive workbook with additional materials.
Once the location is announced, airport and travel recommendations will be available here. The workshop begins at 3PM on Monday afternoon so please plan your travel accordingly.
Hotel Reservations
To benefit from DoorTwo’s special rate with the hotel, please allow DoorTwo to reserve your hotel room for you. Reserving your own room is costlier and availability cannot be guaranteed.
- Hotel Rate: $199/night (pre-tax)
The hotel rate is NOT included in the cost of the program and is paid by you upon check-out.
How to Attend
This particular program is by invitation only. Once invited, please use the Invoice Me option below to register.
For more information about this program, please reach out to Anna Baldwin.