Identifying and Setting Priorities for Success
As you identify your priorities and set goals to establish a roadmap, your high or low standards will measure your commitment and determine how successful you will be in reaching your goals.
Was it really worth it?
Are you selective with what you commit to, so that your satisfaction will not necessarily come from results, but from what is important to you and your company?
If We Can’t Say “No,” What is the Cost?
Are people able to say “no” to your requests as their boss? Can you say “no” to your boss? What happens when a fellow works says “no” to your request for help?
The Evolution of Commitment: A Parable
Commitment starts with involvement, the development of an idea worth doing and a mutual self-interest.
On Resolutions & Commitments: Begin Now
“Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.” – Goethe